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San Francisco Values

San Francisco Values

The Values That Unite Americans Across Country During A Time Of Chaos


Grounded in extensive historical research, San Francisco Values shows how the trailblazing history and values of the San Francisco Bay Area have shaped public opinion, influenced national policy, and made America a better country for citizens of all races and ethnic backgrounds, of different genders, and across the political spectrum.


In SAN FRANCISCO VALUES: Common Ground for Getting America Back on Track, Geri Spieler and Rick Kaplowitz delve, from both liberal and conservative perspectives, into the complex and sometimes contradictory values that define the United States.


Proud San Francisco Bay Area residents who care about America’s future, the coauthors draw on research, facts, and laws to show how San Francisco values and political voices have shaped national opinion and policy on major issues. Topics include:

  • Why San Francisco Leads the Nation in Innovation
  • Personal Choices, Diversity, and Immigration
  • Celebrating Love and Families in All Their Diversity
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